Thursday, January 22, 2009

Learning is amazing!!

I have a difficult time approaching this assignment. I'll have to get my techi son to help me through this portion this weekend. Perhaps he'll be able to assist me in inserting the things I want to put in my blog. I have finally figured out what to do for my project for this class, I just hope that students will help their parents through the process of utilizing the computer. Another problem that might arise is that not everybody will have access to the Internet.

My project is create a blog for students, parents, teachers, and community agencies. I will be utilizing the Medicine Wheel concept where a person using the blog will choose either from any of the four aspects of life. But first I have to organize my resources and then post the links.

My, this does take alot of your time, doesn't it? But it's actually interesting.

I am currently involved in a first ever First Nations themed Science Fair and the two groups of high school students are so excited in taking part in this. They will actually be taking their projects to Skt'n in March. I have chosen four high school students who have 'Traditonal Knowledge' and teamed them up with our in-school elder and Cultural personnel. They will also be earning 3 credits while doing this: ELA A10, Science10, & Native Studies 10 & ELA B30, Bio 20 & Native Studies 30. They will be working on this project for 2 months. Finally, the students have something that is culturally relevant and get credit for it! They will be utilizing several kinds resources to gather and record their information and technology is one of them!

My project will model the 'Medicine Wheel' concept where a person seeking assistance can choose either of the following: Spiritual, Physical, Mental, or Emotional. From there there will be several links that they can choose from to get to the site that will assist them in addressing a certain problem or issue.


  1. Loretta you are off and thinking in blogger land. Congratulations! You initial project ideas sound interesting. I look forward to learning more.


  2. Sounds wonderful Loretta. Good luck with your project.

  3. Your blog is a fantastic idea. Wow, utilizing technology to create healing is a powerful tool. I know it may not reach all who you want but for the ones who can access your information will benefit.

  4. Just thought that I'd let you know that I really like the medicine wheel concept. We took it in a couple of our classes and it's just so incompasing and complete. helps to make complicated issues/topics kind of more simplified. Maybe this might be something that your parents ( if they'er aborigianal) might be familiar with and maybe it'll help them to get over their nerves and give technology a go in the blog? Maybe by recognizing something they won't feel stupid ( as I often do...) adrcy
