Tuesday, March 31, 2009

More Reflection on this course

Learning how the internet can make an impact on the way we "can" deliver curriculum, has had a major implication on how I deliver concepts, as a result of what I have learned in this class. I think that I have certainly gained quite an enormous amount of information that will be quite useful for the students I work with.

In this day and age, the young people are more technologically prepared as they grew up with the development of the computer age. They are more willing to take risks and are intriqued by the activities they can do on-line. Tools that they can use to communicate with their peers is one of the major tools that the youth have used. Messenger and Bebo are the two most common programs that have been used by our students in our school. Although these communication programs are useful in assisting youth, there comes another problem.

This problem is the issue of cyberbullying, this matter, although not taken seriously by staff in my school, it has had a negative impact with the students. As well students are not aware of the serious legal issues that they can face. Another matter that's important to for students to understand is the deragatory terms they use for their user name. How can a program allow negativity like this?

Critical Literacy is the skill that students need to carefully evaluate any program's validity and it's usefulness in accomplishing their objective. Students need to be taught these skills so that they are well informed in the way they choose to use the internet and it's tools.

The Web 2.0 tools will make a significant impact on the way the students can be more successful in their learning. It provides a tool for the educator to use in the delivery of education. Students are already interested in the computer and the internet. Getting them ready for the future implications of how the internet is developing and the many ways they can utilize it is of most importance.

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